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If you die after leaving

If you die after leaving Nestlé or opting out of the Fund, but before you start to take your deferred pension, your nominated beneficiaries and / or dependants may receive some benefits. This may include a pension for your spouse or civil partner and / or a cash sum. The benefits will be different for different people depending on when you built up your pension. What your beneficiaries receive will depend on which section(s) you were a member of, and the information that you have given us on your Nomination Form.

To find out more please contact Nestlé Pensions.

Is your Nomination Form up to date?

Help us to help your loved ones should the worst happen. Please make sure your Nomination Form is up to date so the Trustees know who you would like to receive any cash sum that might be paid when you die. Your nominations will then be considered by the Trustees. Please complete a Nomination Form to let us know who you would like to receive any benefits after you die.